Does this publication charge the authors for publishing articles?

No. This journal publishes articles for free.

What topics are prioritized in this publication?

The editorial policy of The Physical Activity in Children (PACH) follows the multi-disciplinary purposes of the Physical Activity and Children to promote the scientific study highest standards referring to the following fields: Sport and Children, Motor Development, Motor Learning, Physical Activity, Physical Education, Teaching Physical Education, Play, Fundamental Motor Skills, Sport Psychology, Educational Sport Psychology, Coaching in children and all areas related to physical activity and sports in children.

How can I contact with the journal?

Journal Website: : http://pachjournal.com/


How can the article be accepted and published in the shortest possible time?

1. Before submitting the manuscript, please read the authors guide in the journal website carefully and prepare and submit the article according to the journal format.

2. Before submitting the manuscript, the "Aims and Scope" of the journal should be carefully read, so that the submitted manuscript does not conflict with the goals of the journal.

3. Give special attention to innovation in the submitted manuscript.

4. Before sending the manuscript, the writing quality of the article should be carefully checked.